Monday, 15 August 2011

Feeding the Chickens

My DH likes to cut up the greens before giving it to the chickens. We were feeding the chickens with chick booster when they were very young but now that they are growing, we give them PDP Plus or Pullet Development Pellet Plus. This PDP Plus chicken feed is in pelleted form and it has a higher protein content at 16%.   We also feed them cracked corn and any left over cooked rice or table scraps and they eat them all, they're not really choosy when it comes to food. I usually just throw some cracked corn on top of the litter and with their scratchings, this helps to aerate the wood chip litter on the floor. 

We often take off the bottom leaves of whatever green leafy vegetables that are currently growing in our small garden in the backyard and feed these to the chickens. They love pachoy, pechay, dandelions, parsley, leeks, grass clippings, etc. Whenever I am weeding the garden, I would just pull out the whole weeds with some clump of soil still attached to the roots and just throw these out into the chicken run. They go crazy scratching over the weeds and they never seem to get tired of it, they really are voracious eaters of grasses and vegetables. I tried feeding them some banana leaves that were chopped finely and they eat these too. We have plenty of Impatiens flowers and I feed the leaves and flowers to them and they go crazy over it.

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