Thursday, 11 August 2011

Feeding Trough

It is the rainy season here in the Philippines now. When we made the chicken coop, we made some provisions wherein we can feed the chickens without having to go inside the chicken coop. The blue folding aluminum chair is for us to use when we want to watch the chickens while they are eating. Sometimes, we spend hours just hanging out with the animals inside the rabbitry and we could see the chickens at the same time while they are doing their chicken business.

The picture above is the space where we feed the chickens from inside the rabbitry. We put the feeds into this orange funnel and it goes into the feeding trough which is on the other side. Since we have two 1-inch diameter PVC pipes that is inserted through the wire, we just transfer the funnel from one pipe to the other to fill up the feeding through.  

This is the feeding through inside the chicken coop. We used a half cut PVC pipe which is the same PVC pipes that we used for the gutters in the rabbitry. It is held in place with some strings that are attached to the screen wall. We do not want any unwanted visitors such as mice or rats coming inside the chicken coop during the night and eating the feeds which is why we control the feeds that we give to the chickens. We only feed them what they could finish for the day and for the night so there is not much left over food in the feeding trough that could attract unwanted visitors. The end part of this feeding trough is covered with the cut-up bottom of a 1-litter plastic bottle.

This bowl is what we use as a feeding trough for the chickens when they are in the chicken run. If we have some left over cooked rice in the pot, or some other kind of left over foods from the table, then we put it in this red bowl and they finish eating it.

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